Nancy MacDonald posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
How well I remember Kevin from his first class at the College of Pharmacy at Dalhousie University. Initially, we knew Kevin as "Rick's little brother", whom Rick proudly, and often, described Kevin in the warmest terms, sagely foretelling the illustrious professional career to follow. Kevin's contributions to Pharmacy, through clinical practices and numerous leadership roles were enhanced by his intellectual talents, of course, but I am also certain his many accomplishments, professional and personal, were enabled by his heart.
I was so saddened to learn of Kevin's passing. I saw him occasionally at professional meetings over the years, when his big smile refreshened my awareness of Kevin as a student, and person, never to be forgotten.
Carlos Velazquez lit a candle
Friday, January 5, 2024

It seems that it was yesterday when Kevin first introduced himself to me during the early morning of a routine workday. The year was 2009 (if I recall correctly). As a new Assistant Professor, I had a lot of pending items on my list, but the friendly tone and affable smile on Kevin's face made it difficult for me to reject the offer of a freshly made cup of coffee. From that day on, we shared and exchanged memories whenever possible. Kevin invited me several times to travel with him and his lovely wife, Anita. We broke bread quite often either inside or outside the University, and we challenged each other's ideas.
However, our friendship took a hit when Kevin retired from work at the University of Alberta. The Dentistry/Pharmacy building never felt the same after that. It was a cold and empty place without my best friend, but I understood that Kevin was up to more and better things during his retirement.
Nonetheless, after a few years, I came to know of his deteriorating health condition, which sadly ended up taking his life. I surely miss his sincere and unconditional friendship, and I will never forget the days we spent time together.
I miss you, buddy!
Linda Knowles MacPherson posted a condolence
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
I was a fellow classmate of Kevin’s at the College of Pharmacy and was SO sorry to hear of his passing. I recall his kind and caring manner as well as his leadership abilities. It was wonderful to have had the opportunity to reconnect with him at our class reunion in 2018. I extend my deepest sympathy to Anita and family.
Linda (Murray) Knowles MacPherson
Colline Blanchard posted a condolence
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Michael and I were shocked and saddened when we heard the news of Kevin’s passing. We were classmates at the College of Pharmacy at Dalhousie University in Halifax and I also attended Dartmouth High with him. After school out paths drifted but we met occasionally at professional conferences and events. Out last meeting was at our pharmacy class reunion in the fall of 2018. It was lovely to reconnect with Kevin and to meet Anita.
Sincere condolences to Kevin’s family. We have fond memories of Kevin and I, the joys of high school youth.
Cclline and Michael Blanchard
Dawn Frail uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, December 21, 2023

Kevin is it first person I met on my first day in Pharmacy in September 1972. As a country girl in the 'big city' for the first time, I was lost. Keven took me under his wing and it has been a privilege to call him a friend ever since. I have so many great memories of Kevin, but I am attaching a picture of him with Anita at our Pharmacy Class reunion in Halifax in 2018. This is the way I will remember Kevin - smiling, engaging with the people around him, and enjoying life!
Bob Murray posted a condolence
Thursday, December 21, 2023
Quite a shock to hear of Kevin's passing. I had spent 4 years with him getting a pharmacy degree and he was one of a kind. We all loved him, his calm leadership and way of getting along with everyone. Our last memory was cross skiing with him and Anita in Yoho National park pre pandemic. It was a joy to spend time with him again. Kevin is the kind of person you'll always remember, we might try to live in his example.
Anita, take care
Bob and Janine Murray Amherst NS
Люба Козирська lit a candle
Thursday, December 21, 2023

Дуже сумно, що Кевін пішов з життя . Знаю , що плоди його добрих справ, завжди будуть сильнішими за смерть. Добрий, світлий спомин про Кевіна назавжди залишиться в серцях всіх, хто знав його. Мудрий, надійний, завжди тактовний, з привітною усмішкою - таким пам'ятатиму його завжди .
Щиро співчуваю рідним Кевіна .
Ryan Gray posted a condolence
Friday, December 15, 2023
I’d like to pay tribute and celebrate my idol, mentor and role model “Uncle Kevin”
Kevin is the third of the four children to Carol and Willis Hall. I loved spending time with Grammy Hall. Her laugh was infectious and her love for you ever present aways there with a supportive “Bless your ol’ sweet heart”. However; whenever I got into a bit of mischief in her presence, perhaps I wore her patience just a little too thin with my latest antic. If that drove her to raise her voice. Or to yell my name and she happened to misspeak. It was never Kevin’s name she yelled. No sir. Most often it was “RICK!!” (more often than my own name actually) occasionally I’d hear “Oh Heather!” and on rarer occasions even “Linda!” but never once Kevin.
Kevin had this innate ability to make you feel special in all things. Always encouraging, lifting you up and praising little things as extraordinary and seeing potential in everyone. No matter how big or small the accomplishment he celebrated them all. I swear I could tie my shoes and he’d tell me he couldn’t imagine doing it better in a way that was both sincere and supportive. I felt so much of his parents’ love in Kevin. Their love echoed in him throughout the world. Kevin in all things was ever humble, seeing greatness in everyone.
Now we don’t choose our family, but we do choose to spend time with our family. I was blessed that Kevin consistently chose to spend time with us and made us all the better for it. Through the last three decades I grew from a clueless young man to a clueless old husband becoming a loving father to two beautiful children whom Kevin treated as if his own grandkids, his love has been ever present.
Our shared interests were many; family history, getting together with friends, exploring nature and a mutual appreciation for music topped the list. Our adventures together are too numerous to recall them all here. But I can tell you our close bond started with our trip to Disney in 1989, where my bother Darren gleefully walked his invisible dog down the main street and refused to eat anything but a plain cheeseburger. It was there I saw my screen Idol’s “Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular” and was the perfect child (don’t bother confirming that just accept it as the truth). Since then, we’ve hiked the infamous Mantario Trail “Loop”, camped, canoed, skied and hiked our way across Manitoba with my closest friends and family. We’ve taken trips home to NS for Reunions and cherished visits with loved ones at home together. We’ve even crossed the international date line together during our three-week escapade in New Zealand this past February. Together we’ve see our Blues idols BB King and Eric Clapton. Together we’ve taken in so many local plays and events I could not possibly remember them all. We’ve shared Sunday dinners beyond count. We’ve celebrated holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, University and Chartered Accountancy graduations and to top them all Kevin was a groomsman in my wedding. Make no mistake, without Kevin I’d never have had these adventures nor come to Winnipeg, met my wife, or embarked on a career in Finance. I am where and who I am today because of his presence. For these gifts of time and companionship he gave me I am extraordinarily and eternally grateful.
Kevin’s humility, kindness, generosity, caring and compassion made this world a better place. Kevin’s presence in a room was enough to make my day brighter. I promise to continue my path to being a better husband, friend and father with the hopes that one day I may in some small way live up to the standard he lived every day.
I’ve heard it said that grief is love looking for a place to go and grief fades over time as that love spreads out into the world. Today I’ll continue to grieve in hopes that some day I may spread this love back into the world.
I love you. I miss you beyond measure.
Piotr & Tamara posted a condolence
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Our hearts go out to Kevin's loved ones in sadness.
You could say we barely knew each other - we had met a few times in our lives.
But it was enough to like Him.
He emanated peace, prudence and life experience.
We will remember him as a modest, warm man.
Tamara and Piotr
Janice Irvine-Meek posted a condolence
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Gary and I were saddened to learn of Kevin's death. As Dalhousie Pharmacy graduates, we shared a special connection. Kevin and I worked together first at Camp Hill Hospital where under the mentorship of Ann (Betty) O'Toole we were encouraged to explore clinical pharmacy. After completing our Pharm D. Programs, by coincidence we came to Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center as two of the 3 first Pharm D's hired by Irwin Shwortz. Our families became good friends and spent many good times together. Our professional careers took different paths but we always kept in touch and managed short visits at professional meetings. Kevin's epic Christmas letters kept us abreast of his and Anita's travels throughout Canada and the world. We know that he will be greatly missed and we send our deepest condolences to Anita, Rick, Linda, Heather and all of Kevin's family. May light perpetual shine upon him.
Janice Irvine-Meek & Gary Meek, Oromocto, NB
Bill Wilson posted a condolence
Thursday, November 30, 2023
I was deeply saddened to hear that Kevin had passed.
I had the honor and privilege to work with Kevin as volunteers for the CSHP, the CSHP Foundation and CPhA.
I followed Kevin through the Chairs of CSHP and CPhA ironically back-to-back. Kevin led and I followed. He often joked that he made the mess, and I cleaned it up. This was, of course, not the case. Kevin was a leader with great vision and had the courage to go forward for the betterment of the profession. He was a very accomplished clinician, educator, researcher, and administrator.
Most importantly, he was a good friend and colleague. We worked hard together and of course we had a little fun along the way. I will always treasure the time we spent together.
Pharmacy has truly lost one of its great leaders.
Bill Wilson
Slawek & Family posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
How fortunate we were to meet Kevin. His smile, warmth, positive attitude and kindness will be an inspiration and will stay with us forever. I will not forget our vivid discussions. He was both truly exceptional listener and storyteller.
Please accept our deep condolences.
Sławek & Family
Paige Lacy lit a candle
Tuesday, November 28, 2023

My sincere condolences to the family of Kevin Hall and to Anita.
Piush posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Please accept my condolences for your loss. Was a pleasure to have known Kevin.
Kelly + Dave Cassie posted a condolence
Monday, November 27, 2023
Kevin always greeted you with the kindest smile and had such genuine interest in everyone. His genorous heart and down to earth nature were so apparent in every interaction. We will cherish the time and wonderful conversations we had with him.
Meghan Azad posted a condolence
Thursday, November 23, 2023
I'm so very sorry for your loss, Anita & family. I have very fond memories of lab get togethers at your beautiful home in Edmonton, where Kevin was always a wonderful cohost and excellent cook! My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. ♥
Kiara posted a condolence
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
I have known Anita, her mom, and Kevin in Edmonton since I was around 14. It started out with a business where I would take care of their garden, earning their trust over the years and then eventually taking care of their bird and house whenever they went to Winnipeg. As I got to know them over the years, they began to open their doors for me to come over for tea, and I was invited to spend time with them and their visitors. It blossomed into a beautiful relationship that has a special place in my heart to this day. I didn’t get the pleasure of knowing Kevin very well over this time as I seemed to miss him as he visited Winnipeg over the summer. However, from what I did know and heard was that he was an amazing husband to Anita, son-in law, dog & bird dad, and a very successful and smart man. If his family is any example of who he was, I have no doubt that in the last few years I didn’t see him he continued to be an amazing husband, uncle, son, academic achiever, and friend. I had the pleasure, and I am honoured to say I knew Kevin Hall. I hope you are resting in peace and that your family can see you again soon.
Terri Schindel posted a condolence
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
I'm deeply saddened to learn about Kevin's passing. I admired him long before we crossed paths, especially during my residency in Saskatoon where my preceptors spoke highly of Kevin's excellence in hospital pharmacy management and leadership. Kevin was the go-to expert for guidance, and many friends and colleagues sought his advice.
I had the privilege of working with Kevin at the University of Alberta, where he made significant contributions to novel course development and student experience. His presence brought a unique blend of kindness and caring to the academic environment, and I'll always be grateful for the opportunity to learn and collaborate with him. Getting to know Kevin and Anita socially added a personal touch to our professional relationship.
His absence leaves a void, and my thoughts are with Anita, his family, and everyone who was touched by his wisdom and warmth. Kevin's impact will be sorely missed, and his legacy will undoubtedly endure in the hearts of those fortunate enough to know him.
Terri Schindel
Richard Hall posted a condolence
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
I wish to pay tribute to Kevin. He was my brother and I loved him. I visited him recently and I will always cherish our walks and talks together. We talked about his love for Anita and his hopes and wishes for her future. We talked about family and in particular his gratitude to Ryan, Sherie, Maddie and Luke. We talked about hobbies and our mutual love of photography – he gave me his camera and asked that I give it to someone who had a similar passion for our hobby. We talked about travel and his joy at discovering other places and cultures. We talked about the importance of friends and his gratitude for them and their support as he dealt with a terrible disease. We talked about what had been accomplished in our professional life and I remarked that he had certainly made a mark on his having been President of the Canadian Pharmaceutical Association and his deep involvement with the Canadian Hospital Pharmacist’s Association. We talked about the difficulties facing the health care system which he encountered as the Phamacy Regional Director for the Winnepeg Health Authority. Most importantly we talked about our love for each other and what that meant. I will miss him – his wit, his smile, his thoughtfulness, and his desire to foster remembering the past and family history. The world has lost a remarkable human being. Rest in peace my brother and I’ll see you on the other side. Rick
Michael Nayler uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Kevin has been a dear friend for 44 years. I will treasure the memories of this brilliant, humble, gentle soul. He was like a brother to Jade and I, and always uncle to our daughters. His family and many friends will
mourn the loss of this amazing man.
Jade Nayler uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

We met Kevin in 1979 when we were all newcomers to MB. Kind, generous, highly accomplished but ever humble, it was an honour to call him friend. We miss him dearly. Our heartfelt condolences to Anita and the Winnipeg Gray family. Michael & Jade Nayler
Jessica Hildebrand uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

While extended family lived far away, my “Uncle Kevin” lived right across the street. My childhood is sprinkled full of happy memories spent with him. He was a part of the every day as well as special occasions and milestones. He was a truly remarkable person, and had the best laugh. He was deeply loved and will be deeply missed.
Tim Bertram posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
We will remember Kevin as a wonderful friend, kind and thoughtful, always interested in others. Kevin was grateful for all that he experienced in life, from growing up in Nova Scotia to opportunities to travel or making friends from across Canada in the course of his career.
We will miss you Kevin. Rest in peace.
Tim and Danusia Bertram
Garry King posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
To Anita and family: It was sad news tho hear that Kevin had passed away. My condolences to you and your family. I understand you are going through a difficult time , but later you will hear about the impact had on the practice of pharmacy as well as future pharmacists. Our profession would not be what it is today without the contribution Kevin made during his years in practice. I wish you all the best.
James Mann posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
To ANITA and Family: I was deeply moved by the news of Kevin's passing; my sincerest condolences, the loss for you & entire family must be overwhelming. I enjoyed many conferences with Kevin , his counsel was always appreciated for both professional and personal issues. Kevin had a tremendous impact on Pharmacy both through his CSHP & CPhA executive positions and his innumerable presentations and publications; he was an astute listener and profound speaker. He was a mentor for many and a colleague to all; thankyou Kevin for enriching my career / life as well as so many others.
James L. Mann
Linda Poloway posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
To Anita and family,
I was deeply saddened by Kevin's passing. He was a huge influence in the pharmacy world and a good friend. There are many sides of Kevin that will be missed - his many and long lasting impacts on hospital pharmacy, his kind and genial nature and his love for many friendships. Kevin loved golfing and was part of life long memories made with his pharmacy golf buddies. His passing has left a huge void in our world. He will be dearly missed.
Jean-Francois Bussières posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Hi Kevin
Your departure leaves a great void, both for the person you were and for the visionary pharmacist. You opened the doors to the rest of the country for me in pharmacy. Your track record in pharmacy is here to stay. Have a good trip. All our condolences to his wife Anita and his loved ones. JF Sylvie xxx
Barb Shea posted a condolence
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Dear Anita and family,
I am very sorry to hear of Kevin's death. I had the pleasure of working with Kevin on the Board of the Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) in the early 1990's. I remember Kevin as a person who loved his profession and was thoughtful and even-keeled in the way he considered matters that came to the Board. He was quick to smile and full of good humour. I can understand how he would be a mentor to many as people would want to follow his lead and his example.
Barb Shea (Past President CPhA 1990-91)
The family of Kevin Willis Hall uploaded a photo
Thursday, November 16, 2023

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